So it's freezing outside (OK . . OK . . I know it's not as cold here in Cali as it is in other places, but the little runny noses are starting to freeze over and I'm sure if some kid stuck her tongue to the lunch table I'd be in a world of hurt). We traditionally do cold weather themed artwork: penguins, polar bears, etc. One of my favorite projects is our bundled up self-portraits. Portraits in parkas if you will. I got this project from a colleague, who got it from someone . . . you know how that goes. Anyway, I take no credit for it whatsoever, but I love to pass things on. Below you will see the pics and directions. You can also click on the templates for the torso and face to run on your copier. Enjoy and keep warm! Oh .. and don't forget to check back later for new projects, recipes, fashion, and other fun things!
What you will need:
- blank faces run on a variety of skin colored construction paper
- torsos run on bright construction paper
- strips of color construction paper for the "hair"
- paper plates
- three colors of yarn
- glue sticks
- white glue
- cotton balls (about 6 large per student)
Click here for the face
here for the torso
Note: we made this over two days (15 minutes each day at a "center")
Step 1: Prep your materials
--Cut the centers out of your paper plates and cut the yarn so that there are three pieces per student. Run faces and torsos. Cut "hair" strips (mine were 2 inches wide by 9 inches long)
Step 2: (Day One)
Have students choose face, hair, and torso. Have them cut out face. Then have them cut hair (but only part way through --like bangs. Have them glue hair to top of face. You can staple the paper plate to the head while they are cutting the torso. Then attach the torso to head with stapler. I have them give it a haircut after to remove any pieces that stick out from behind the paper plate.
Step 3: (Day Two)
Have students stretch out their cotton balls (pull apart into pieces) and glue to the paper plate. Have them draw their own face. I put three stripes of white glue on the torso for them and had them glue on the yarn. Done!
Our happy little snowmen now have some company!
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